Welcome to WHITTIER*

We've arrived through the long 2 1/2 mile tunnel. This is the end of the road and launches the FERRY boat into the large Prince William Sound area. There is a boat harbor on the Bay of Whittier for the fisherman and tourists or sailing boats. Sea kayaking is popular here.

The Harbor on a rainy day in May

The SUN does shine on some days! Look at this day in September

The Bay of Whittier..leading to Columbia Glacier in Prince William Sound. Sealife abounds in this important bay.

During World War II Whittier was used by the Army. They built huge cement buildings for the troops and supplies. They are abandoned now,except for one large building remodeled now into condominiums.

You can see the large ex-military buildings in back of the dock area*

The Alaska Railroad train that was the only way into Whittier until May 2000 when the tunnel was opened to vehicle one-way traffic at specified hours.

A cute little cabin on the harbor dock

One of many mountain glaciers around Whittier*on a sunny day!

The glacier in the fog and rain

This is DEEP SNOW country in winter and when warming occurs there is avalanche danger to know about.

Misty mountain fog

With this beautiful waterfall tumbling down the mountain near the tunnel, we will exit Whittier and drive on back to the Seward Highway.*note* By spring of 2001 you should be prepared to pay a $15 fee to drive this Whittier tunnel. It takes money to blast through big mountains!

*You know you are Alaskan when you know all 4 seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Road Construction*

~after we wait our turn through!

Sun or rain is no obstacle to this beautiful place..Snow can be at times!

*all photos by Jan*

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