~So life moves on~

I was born to Sevilla and Bill Smith in 1937

My sister Deanna was born in 1939. Here we are in 1941 feeding the fawns on the ranch in Montana.

Here I am at age 14 doing my favorite thing!

Then I had to get to work and become a Registered Nurse

In 1960 I joined the AirForce as a 1st Lieutnant

I married my Bruce in 1970 in Alaska. I had my 2 sons from my first marriage. He had 5 children and we had one more daughter in 1971.

Here's my sister and I in 1971

My 3 precious children in 1971

Here they are all grown up in 1998

Daughter graduates from College! 2000

Named after her great great grandmother Savilla Cooley and grandmother Sevilla Hutton-Smith

Sevilla married Sam Travis in 1994. Dion married Rachel in 1998


~Life begins anew and the family circle continues~